Waste Collection

Days of Collection Services

Waste Collection Calendar 2025(PDF, 402KB)

Tuesday Garbage – Gravesend, Warialda Rail, North Star & Croppa Creek

Tuesday Recycling Week A – Gravesend, Warialda Rail, North Star & Croppa Creek

Tuesday Organics Week B – Gravesend, Warialda Rail, North Star & Croppa Creek

Wednesday Garbage – Bingara

Wednesday Recycling Week A – Bingara

Wednesday Organics Week B – Bingara

Thursday Garbage – Warialda

Thursday Recycling Week A – Warialda

Thursday Organics Week B – Warialda

Waste Hotline 1300 736 719

The Waste Hotline is ideal for:

  • reporting missed services
  • collection day enquiries
  • general enquiries
  • order free replacement compost bags for kitchen caddies.

You can use the Gwydir Waste app or the Council’s Website to:

  • look up your collection days for recycling, organics, waste
  • learn more about your collection services
  • learn about other resource recovery and waste disposal options available in your area
  • request repairs or replacement bins 
  • check service fees and charges
  • find out about upcoming events

About our services

Gwydir Shire Council and JR Richards & Sons work together to provide residents with their waste services. Council provides various waste services across the Gwydir Shire Council area which can include recycling, garden organics and general waste collections. If you have any queries, please call the waste hotline on 1300 736 719.


Residents who have access to the garbage collection service are provided with a green body garbage bin with a red lid. Any waste that is not hazardous can be placed in your garbage bin. However, residents should endeavour to minimise the amount of waste put into the garbage bin by recycling whenever possible and depositing kitchen organic waste and garden organics in the organics (green lid) bin.


For residents and businesses that have access to the recycling collection service, Gwydir Shire Council provides a green body bin with a yellow lid. Gwydir Shire Council encourages the recycling of empty steel cans, aerosol and aluminium cans, plastic bottles and containers, milk and juice cartons, glass bottles and jars, paper and cardboard. It is vital for the recycling process that only the correct items go into the recycling bin. Incorrect items can cause many problems in processing and may result in recoverable resources going to landfill. It is essential that recyclable items ARE NOT placed in plastic bags. Plastic bags can do damage to the machines that sort the recyclables.

Food and Garden Organics (F.O.G.O.)

For residents who have access to the organics collection, Gwydir Shire Council provides a green body bin with a green lid for the collection of suitable garden and food waste. Residents should use this service as much as possible when disposing of their kitchen food scraps, including raw and cooked food like meat and vegetables, paper towels, tea bags and coffee grounds, small tree pruning's, flowers, weeds and grass clippings at home. Residents can also dispose of thin branches up to 1m long using this bin. By using this service, residents are helping to divert a large amount of green waste and kitchen organic waste away from landfill, thereby reducing carbon emissions and saving valuable land space.


Your bin with the yellow lid is for recycling. Once your recyclables from your bin are collected, they are sorted into product categories. From there they are sent to manufacturers to be turned into brand new products. Your recycling service saves valuable resources from being buried in landfill where they will never be used again.

Your recyclables are collected fortnightly.

  • Plastic bottles and containers
  • Paper, cartons and cardboard
  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Tin and aluminium cans

When placing items in your recycling bin, please:

  • Do not place recyclable items in plastic bags
  • Flatten cardboard
  • Rinse all containers (use your washing up water when finished)
  • Remove lids from bottles and jars
  • No e-waste (electrical items)

Items which CANNOT be disposed of in your recycling bin include (but are not limited to):

  • Bagged recycling
  • Foam
  • Plastic bags
  • Plastic film and wrappers
  • Unwanted or broken items


If organic waste goes to landfill it takes up valuable space and as it decomposes, harmful greenhouse gases (methane emissions) are produced. To reduce the amount of organic waste sent to landfill, Gwydir Shire Council has access to an organics collection. This occurs once a fortnight using the organics bin.

Residents who receive an organics collection service will be provided with a 240 litre bin with a green lid and a small kitchen caddy for food scraps.

Residents should use this bin for disposing of their food scraps that they collect in their kitchen caddy. These scraps can include raw and cooked food like meat and vegetables, paper towels, tea bags and coffee grounds.

Larger garden organics such as tree stumps and large branches can be taken to your local landfill for appropriate disposal. Remember to sort your load to ensure there is no contamination and to SAVE YOU money!

Did you know if you use this service effectively you will be able to increase the amount of organic material that is diverted from landfill, by reducing what you put into your waste bin. Your green waste is processed and turned into compost. 

Free Replacement Bags

Green bags can be ordered by calling the Waste Hotline on 1300 736 719. The bags are provided free of charge for residents of the Gwydir Shire that have an organics service.

For further information, please contact the Waste Hotline 1300 736 719.

Collected fortnightly

When placing items in your garden and kitchen organics bin:

  • No plastic bags or rubbish
  • Ensure sticks and branches placed in the bin are a maximum of 1m in length
  • Grass clippings
  • Leaves
  • Twigs & branches
  • Prunings & flowers
  • Food scraps
  • Only use compostable bags for animal droppings. Please do not use plastic bags as an alternative, even if they are labelled as biodegradable, as they may not break down quickly enough for composting.

Items which CANNOT be disposed of in your organics bin include (but are not limited to):

  • Plastic bags
  • Dirt, rocks and soil
  • Tree trunks and logs
  • Nappies
  • Building materials


Your bin with the red lid is for general household waste. Once waste from your bin is collected, it is buried in landfill where it will never be used again. That is why it is important to minimise what you place in your red lid bin where possible.

Waste from you bin is collected weekly.

  • Nappies
  • Small broken items (e.g. ceramics and crockery)
  • Plastic bags, film and wrappers

When placing items in your waste bin please remember items which CANNOT be disposed of in your garbage bin include (but are not limited to):

  • No asbestos
  • No hazardous materials or chemical substances
  • No paints or thinners
  • No gas bottles
  • Building materials
  • No Car batteries and parts
  • Syringes and medical waste


Household Chemicals

Old and leftover chemicals around the home can be hazardous to the health of our families, animals and our environment. In conjunction with the NSW Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Northern Inland Regional Waste Group, there is an Annual Household Chemical CleanOut day. For more information, please refer to Council’s website www.gwydir.nsw.gov.au

Mobile Phone Recycling

Mobile phones can be dropped off at Council branch offices or participating retail outlets for recycling.

Unwanted or Expired Medicines

Unwanted or expired medicines can be returned to any pharmacy at any time.

Printer and Toner Cartridges

You can take your old printer or toner cartridges to Council branch offices or participating retail outlets for recycling.

Syringes, Needles and Lancets

Many people throughout the Gwydir Shire use syringes, needles and finger prick lancets to treat medical conditions such as cancer or diabetes and for animal care.

It is important to dispose of these items safely as incorrect disposal places the health and safety of residents and waste collection workers at risk.

Disposal of Sharps

Sharps are not recyclable and must not be placed in the recycling bin. Sharps must be placed in a strong, sealed container such as a soft drink bottle before taking them to be disposed of. Places in which they can be disposed of;

Bingara Landfill 2668 Killarney Gap Road, Bingara, NSW 2404

Bingara Medical Centre 94 Maitland St, Bingara NSW 2404

The Bingara Pharmacy 42 Maitland St, Bingara NSW 2404

Warialda Landfill Rubbish Depot Road, Warialda, NSW 2402

Warialda Multipurpose Centre Hospital 146 Long St, Warialda NSW 2402

Warialda Medical Centre 22 Hope St, Warialda NSW 2402

Warialda Pharmacy 36 Hope St, Warialda NSW 2402

Needle Clean up - If you have concerns regarding syringe littering in public places, do not attempt to pick the needle up, please contact us 1800 633 353.

In order to make the disposal of community sharps safe and convenient look for the Sharps Disposal Bins located in most Gwydir public toilets. 

Further sharps information can be obtained at - Safe Sharps

NSW Sharps Hotline 1800 633 353.